


  • 4 min read

Metal Mulisha Maidens Stephanie Pietz is a girl constantly on the go! She leads a life full of bad-ass adventures, with great people, and likes to live on the wild side and make the most of every day! Check out this months update from Stephanie and be sure to check out her bio in our Maidens section of the website here.

I hope November treated all of you as well as it treated me! I just want to start off by saying how thankful I am to have the opportunity to be a part of the Metal Mulisha family! And to be given the chance to share all my crazy adventures with the Metal Mulisha fans. Without you awesome dudes and chicks, none of this would be possible. So my biggest thanks go out to you all  Keep shreddin’, rockin’, rippin’, gripping’, grindin’ and all that other badass shit that keeps this industry alive!
I was pumped to find out that I had been picked for a feature spot in the November issue of Inkspired Magazine! Initially, when I did the shoot, I was told that it could be a hit or miss as to whether my shots would make it in or not. I was hoping for a cover, but I was just as stoked to get the feature either way. The pics came out amazing, the bio was perfect and the layout was killer. I want to give a shout-out to my good friend Jim Louvau for taking such bitchin’ photos! You rock Jimmy! That Haboob was no match for our deadly combo!! haha! And thanks to Inkspired Magazine for featuring me in their outstanding publication. I can’t thank you enough.

– “A few of my favorite shots from my feature in Inkspired Magazine. Photo Cred- Jim Louvau.”
This first weekend of November landed me in the Mid-west for the Novi, Michigan Snow show. Just like the last show I attended in Toronto, this one had all the same bad-ass winter toys. I was working in the Axxxtion Sports Calendar booth jamming out hundreds of signed calendars all weekend. Even though the work can get a little repetitive, I am super thankful that I get the chance to travel and meet all types of unique individuals. I met a 10 year old boy named Maxx Davis, who just happened to be one the baddest little BMX kids around! I sat and chatted with him for awhile and he showed me videos of himself straight rippin at the bike park! He was also a huge Metal Mulisha fan! Smart kid for sure  Shit like that just makes me so damn happy. I hope to see that kid go big one day.

– “My new little buddy, and diehard Metal Mulisha fan, Maxx Davis”
I was approached in October by a very unique photographer named Steve Farmer, about a project shoot that he had been working on. We both discussed some ideas back and forth for the next week or so and landed on the idea of a post-apocalyptic style photo-shoot, that he wanted to shoot at the Grand Canyon. Total fucking Mad Max shit. I was completely in! Being as I am, for the most part, a pin-up style/tattoo, bikini model. I really wanted to step out of my comfort zone and try something new. All of the ideas we had bounced off each other really intrigued me. So, we pulled the trigger, worked with an amazing costume and make-up team, and got some killer results! Plus, I hadn’t visited the Grand Canyon since I was too young to remember! Overall, I was pumped on the turn-out.

– “A couple awesome shots from my Mad Max style photoshoot. Photo Cred- Steve Farmer at Twisted Chimera”

I usually end my month with a Thanksgiving dune trip, but since the winds of change seem to be blowing down my door lately, I decided to give hunting a try. And since I put in for a Whitetail tag over the summer and got it, I figured I’d see it out this time. I’ve never been too big into hunting or guns. Don’t get me wrong, I love unloading a few clips out in the desert with my friends. But my knowledge of motorcycles heavily exceeds my knowledge of guns. Which will soon change I’m sure, because I want to rule at everything!! haha! It was one of the most amazing and memorable experiences of my life! And it is not easy! Up at 430am, glassing for hours, hiking for miles through mountainous desert terrain, tracking and following, finding a steady brace and lining up a shot at over 200 yards, all within 8 seconds! Not to mention, field dressing him and packing him out for 2.5 miles. All of which, was worth it.

– “(Left) Packing out my buck in my Metal Mulisha/Realtree Outdoor cap and backpack. (top right) My killshot position. (bottom right) My first buck.”

 I have been very fortunate this month to have been surrounded by amazing people and great friends. I am truly thankful for the unforgettable moments this year has given me, and the opportunities I have received. Thanks again to all you amazing fans and a huge fucking thanks to Metal Mulisha!!

 Lets keep the good shit coming!!