


  • 2 min read

Well it’s the first Thursday of 2013 and just 1 day short of events, drinking, party’s or whatever you plan on for this week’s Throwback. Brandon Dosch sent over some photos from his past and explains his history of BMX and how it all started for him.
At the age of 9, I really wanted to get into racing BMX. My mom surprised me and got my 1st real BMX bike for my 10th birthday. I can still remember how pumped I was, and I instantly went for a ride.
I really started to pickup a good style and get comfortable on the bike so I started taking what I loved to the next level.
I’m from Michigan so during the Winter time with all the snow, I would hit up the local Skate and BMX parks to get some practice in before the Summer time.
Once Summer hit and the grounds cleared up… I would spend all day riding and putting all those tricks I learned to work on the dirt. This is really how my direction of taking on Freestyle started for me. 

From there I followed my childhood dream and started racing BMX at Waterford Oaks BMX track at the age of 10 and 11. When I turned 11 I entered the 11-Expert Class and made it into the Nationals taking 1st place.

Growing up I watched all the Crusty videos and was a huge Mulisha fan. Freestyle motocross was so sick and was a big influence on me with Freestyle BMX. At 16 years old, Freestyle really started to take over my BMX life. I trained hard, entered contest, and made the best out of it which took me to where I’m at today.

Who’s #throwbackthursday do you want to see next? Visit our team page, pick a rider and let us know.
Follow Brandon on Twitter and Instagram@bdosch